Don't let Diabetes kick you in your mouth - use your mouth to fight back, and speak up here!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Now what is THIS number supposed to mean?

It's Wednesday, Sept 12th, and today brought more bad news on the diabetes frontline for me. Bloodwork at the doctor's on Monday revealed I have an elevated insulin count of 47.9 - I am not even sure what that means, but I am certain my doctor will be calling me tomorrow to explain it to me. I do understand that my pancreas is now putting out way too much insulin, and that if my pancreas doesn't slow down, it will shut down. Of course we all know what that will mean - I get to go to the head of the class and advance to Type 1. (insert sarcasm here). I am really fighting the urge right now to throw myself a big old fashioned pity party - but I will stick it out until I hear from the doc. Then, when I do, you are ALL invited.

1 comment:

TINA said...

OK - so we can't deal with the higher insulin level right now because bloodwork also revealed I'm anemic. We have to find out why and what is causing the anemia. More blood work - still inconclusive. So I had to do a hemoccult test (don't ask, but it involves smearing something you normally flush down the toilet onto a tiny little slide). Well, bad results there - so now it's off to a specialist for more testing. Endoscopy and Colonoscopy will be done on Oct. 9th. Stay tuned as my health providers get richer, and I get more frustrated.