Don't let Diabetes kick you in your mouth - use your mouth to fight back, and speak up here!

Friday, October 26, 2007


I apologize in advance for the graphic nature of this post, but hey, if I can't share these things with my fellow Diabetics, then who can I turn to? There is no simpler way to put this than...I am molting - or shedding or peeling - you get the picture. I feel like the 8th dwarf, Flakey. It started with a patch of dry skin behind my left ear - now both ears are inflamed inside and out. And to top it all off, they itch like crazy! I have tried all the OTC remedies that my doctor has recommended - hydrocortisone cream, anti-itch cream, A&D ointment, petroleum jelly, lotions, potions, magical spells, and prayer. Nothing works. I read a suggestion from someone on the ADA message board that I should clean my ears with Head and Shoulders shampoo. No luck. Beside being excruciatingly uncomfortable, this is also embarrassing. I can't pull my hair back behind my ears, I avoid wearing black because of the flaking, and I've even had to trim all my fingernails to the quick just to keep from scratching til my ears bleed. So, if anyone has ANY suggestions or remedies, please please please post them. I will forever be in your debt - well, maybe not forever - but at least until next molting season.


Ana said...

How weird you mention this... I've had the same problem for the last 5 years or more. It started with dry skin in and around my ear canals, and as I scratched I bled and then scabbed. 5+ years later, I still have itchy, irritating scabs in and around my ear canals. It's grown into a nervous habit to pick at them when I'm bored or anxious. Whenever I used lotion on it, it just made it easier to pick the scabs off! At one point I went to an ear, nose and throat doctor who recommend some sort of oil OTC, but I couldn't locate it at the time. I think it was sweet tea tree oil? Maybe? He said to just swab in and around where it was dry and irritated. Good luck, and if you find a solution let me know! It'd be nice to put my hair up without worrying about odd looks from people who get close enough to see into my ears...

TINA said...

My husband tells me that sweet tea tree oil is good for dry skin. In fact, it's in the doggie shampoo we just bought for our Lhasa's constant itching. I'm going to pick some up for myself next time I'm out and about. Wally World should have it. I'll let you know if it works. BTW - are you diabetic?